Website Development

Website design – the road ahead

Nowadays, online marketing techniques are the preferred option when it comes to majority of businesses. Almost every business entity is looking to make its presence felt in the web domain by using website design services and the like. A major reason for this is the fact that the internet is helping them fulfill different requirements. With internet they are able to get in touch with their customers, and also save a lot of money and time. This is applicable for all kinds of businesses irrespective of how long they may have been in existence. They need a website, one that can be operated on any device such as tablets, smartphones, and laptops. This process is known as responsive web design.

The technology is growing at fast pace and so if the field of website designing. Let’s see some of the latest trends in website design which can be adapted by the website designers while designing a website:

Responsive web design

Responsive web design is a variety of web designing, which can create websites that are compatible with any and every platform such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. The websites designed with this kind of design are rather convenient when it comes to navigation and reading. Most of the users now log on to websites from their smartphones. There is a lot of demand for such sites in domains such as e-commerce and education. Frameworks such as Foundation and Bootstrap, which are known to be fairly responsive, are used in this kind of web design.

Parallax web design

With the help of parallax web design services it is possible to create backgrounds in such a way that user engagement can be improved significantly. This form of web design also helps in improving the overall experience for the users as well. Parallax web design has four major methods – Layer, Sprite, Animation, and Raster. With this kind of web design it is possible to create a storytelling scenario, whereby visitors are guided through the site and their curiosity is provoked. Parallax web design can also lead the visitors to take an action based on what they see.

Bigger headers and welcome banners

In keeping with the point mentioned above it is expected that pages will have bigger welcome banner and headers to draw the attention of existing, as well as potential, users. Focus will also be there on making navigation easy with more drop down menu bars. It has been seen that such features normally decrease the bounce rate of a website and increase the average time spent by users on websites.

Longer web-pages to scroll

It has been seen that if the users get all the information on a single page they like to stay on that page for a longer time. This is ultimately beneficial for the website as well. This is why it can be expected that in 2015 and beyond websites will focus on greater and more relevant content at the same place. Normally, smartphone users like such websites more often and so it can be one area where the web-pages will become longer.

Focus on greater interaction

It is expected that in the days ahead website designers and developers will focus on creating websites, which are more interactive. Content is also expected to play a major role in the days to come. The content needs to be fresh as well as provide more information and yet be more appealing for the users.

Greater compatibility with SEO

Search engine optimization has always been an integral part of marketing strategies taken by websites. So, it could be that in the days ahead web developers will be incorporating more such features that make the websites more compatible for the search engines. This is why SEO consultants may also have a bigger role to play in creating web-pages in the future.

Design of landing pages

The landing page is always an important part of any website. This is what basically determines whether the user explores the site further or moves on to another one. So, it is vitally important to make it as good as possible. If the landing page happens to be an attractive one it will draw more people without fail.

Simplicity is the key

This is perhaps the most important, yet the most-neglected aspect of web development nowadays. There are many websites, which in an effort to re-brand and rediscover themselves, are losing their basic essence. This is also hampering their existing user base at times. So, in the hullabaloo over modernization and keeping up with trends, it is important that web developers keep the websites as simple as possible so that anyone can use it. A simple design also ensures that the website takes less time to load, which means that people who are not blessed with high-definition internet connections are still able to use the same.


If you wish to make a top-quality website with the best features then get in touch with web designing professionals and experts like Webhosting Tech Labs, so that you can get the quality you want.