To make money out of your online business, you need to make sure that the visitors in your online site are converted into subscribers or buyers. It is only this that can get you a sure sale potential which in turn can get you the kind of revenue that you are looking for and increase your ROI over time. In order to achieve this, you need to optimize your website for conversions by implementing a better user-interface as well as by making use of effective call-to-action campaigns. Here in this article, we will present you a range of methods which you can use to have greater number of conversions and thereby increase your return on investment.
Optimize your page load speed
The average time your website pages take to load can greatly affect the way it is perceived by your visitors. If it generally takes too long, then your visitors will eventually stop visiting it at all. By making use of pagespeed insights by the Google Webmasters Tools, you can evaluate your website’s load time. Your website’s page load speed can be affected by a number of things. The tools offered by Google can help you to figure out a range of potential issues that can be held responsible for your site’s slow loading speed.
Make sure your site runs well with all leading browsers
If your website pages are not optimized for all major internet browsers, then you will lose potential conversions. Use relevant tools to check how your site is responding to various internet browsers.
Use contrasting colors for your CTA (call-to-action) button
By highlighting your call-to-action button, you are sending a subconscious invitation to your visitors to opt for a purchase or subscription. Make sure that the color that you are choosing for your CTA button is prominent enough that is becomes easily detectable for your visitors. This can improve your conversion rates to a significant percentage.
Make your website mobile-friendly or responsive
You may have heard the news that Google changed its ranking algorithm on April 21, 2015. Dubbed mobilegeddon by some, Google rolled out what could be its one of its biggest algorithm changes in years as it uses a site’s “mobile friendliness” as a ranking signal. This will hit site rankings heavily if the websites are not mobile responsive. While it may seem a bit heavy handed approach by Google, but in the long run it is going to be awesomely beneficial to businesses as more and more search traffic is originating from mobile devices. So you definitely can’t miss out this one. Make your websites mobile responsive and also prevent your web rankings from going down.
Carry out overall functionality tests
Without carrying out detailed functionality tests, it will never be possible for you to learn about your site’s general performance levels. It is necessary that you carry out performance tests on every level of customer interactions, and do the same for multiple browsers and computers, so that if there are any navigation issues or errors, then they can be detected easily and rectified.
Use testimonials to build customer confidence
Testimonials go a long way in building trust among your visitors, which in turn encourages them to become customers or subscribers. Apart from posting general testimonials, you can also use video testimonials as well.
Present your company details to establish trust
In the virtual world, you need to give something to your visitors so that they can be sure of your physical presence. Your site should clearly mention your main business address, phone numbers, email ids, branch addresses and introduce your team as this helps them to rely on your products and services. You should also state your privacy policies and arrange for secure payment gateways in case your site handles online payments.
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